Lumberjump update: Crystal Coast out now!

Hi there!

It might be winter, but today we're already looking forward to the summer with another new Lumberjump level! Moving platforms, rolling boulders, palm trees and a lot of sunshine are the main characteristics of this environment. Below is a list of the changes made in this update:

- Added Crystal Coast level.

- Minor fixes to camera movement.

- Minor fixes to moving platforms.

- Minor fixes to music looping.

- Other bugfixes.

As you can see this is mostly a bugfix update aside from the new level release, but I hope you all enjoy playing Crystal Coast! I'm excited to start on the next level already, which will likely be Winter Woodlands. I also started work on a brand new project, more info on that at a later date. For now, keep jumping the lumber!

Files 80 MB
Jan 09, 2023

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